Given the recent increase in transmission of respiratory viruses, including flu, COVID-19, and RSV, Jefferson County Public Health recommends that all healthcare workers wear a high-quality, well-fitting mask in patient-facing settings to protect against both acquiring and spreading these infections to others.
Masking is required in settings of known COVID-19, influenza, or RSV.
We also urge everyone who is eligible to stay up to date on your vaccinations. Vaccinations are the most important way to protect against severe influenza and COVID-19 infections, including hospitalization and death. Everyone 6 months and older should be vaccinated against these diseases and those who are eligible for an updated COVID-19 booster should get it now.
Other necessary strategies include:
- Staying home from work and school and testing for COVID-19 if you develop symptoms.
- Having a plan for rapid treatment for COVID-19 and influenza for people who are at increased risk for severe infections.
- Improving indoor air quality through ventilation, filtration, and UV technology where appropriate.
For more information on seasonal flu, COVID, and RSV vaccines, please see our recent provider alert.
More resources:
WA DOH: COVID-19 Infection Prevention in Health Care Settings
WA DOH: What To Do When You Are Sick With COVID-19 or Another Respiratory Virus
NWHRN: 2024-25 Healthcare Facility Masking Consensus Statement