12/23/24 Provider Alert: Masking recommended for healthcare workers Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Infection Control, Influenza, News and Alerts, Provider Resources, Uncategorized
10/31/24 Health Advisory: Positive human cases of avian influenza in Washington. Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, Influenza, Influenza Update, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
10/17/24 Health Advisory: Disruptions in Availability of Peritoneal Dialysis and Intravenous Solutions from Baxter International Facility in North Carolina Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
7/17/2024 Provider Alert: Assess patients with influenza-like illness for animal exposures this summer Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Influenza, Influenza Update, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
09/20/23 Health Advisory: New COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized, Previous Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Deauthorized Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
04/24/23 Health Advisory: Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine Use Expanded, Monovalent No Longer Authorized Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
02/03/23 Health Advisory: Multistate Cluster of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Associated with Artificial Tears Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
11/08/22 Health Advisory: Increased Respiratory Virus Activity Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, Immunizations, Infection Control, News and Alerts, Provider Resources, Schools
08/25/22 Health Advisory: Monkeypox and COVID-19 Update for Providers Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Infection Control, monkeypox, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
06/22/22 Health Advisory: COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources